Website Performance is easy to check.
A well designed website should not only look good, it should also perform well.
It can be difficult to tell just by looking at your website. Fortunately, there are quick and easy ways to check your website’s overall performance. There are many free website graders online. One that is easy to use is Hubspot Website Grader. You just enter your site’s url and it will give your website an overall score from 1-100 and also for Performance, Accessibility, SEO and Security. Another great tool is Google’s PageSpeed Insights. This provides more detailed information and is especially useful because it checks your site’s mobile performance as well as desktop performance. These can be very different! A site that is fast on desktop may be clunky on mobile.
You don’t to have all perfect scores for website performance but you want to avoid low scores.
Green scores are great, but it’s okay if you have some yellow scores. It is much more difficult to achieve a high score with mobile because phone internet speeds are much slower. Pro tip: you can also check your competitors to see how they compare.