M8 Slideshow Presentation
PROJECT ROLES Slideshow Design • Infographics • Graphic Design • Product Photography
M8 Technologies needed a presentation designed to promote a new product, that athletes can wear to minimize the risk of concussion. The initial market is collegiate football programs and the NFL. To assist with sales presentations, a slideshow was developed and sample product packaging was designed. The slideshows is designed to help educate prospective clients on the risks and facts about concussions in football, and demonstrate the impressive test results of the M8 Custom Orthotic compared to the competition. The presentation utilizes simple infographics and side-by-side video comparisons that demonstrate the effectiveness of the product.
- Graphic design for slideshow of M8 Presentation
- M8 Technologies Keynote title slide
- M8 Technologies Keynote presentation slide
- M8 Technologies Keynote presentation slide
- M8 Technologies Keynote presentation slide